I got to spend another Sunday out at the property. The weather was nice, but cold. I put a coat of paint on the front door and french doors. The guys worked on siding. The south wall is almost done. We put the non-painted siding up because that wall is pretty easy to reach. We will put the already painted siding on the very high gable areas on the east and west sides.

Here is the french door that I put a coat of paint on.

The siding makes a huge difference in the appearance of the house. It is beginning to look real.

Len didn't like being up on the scaffolding. It was not stable enough for him.
Yesterday was the XC district meet. The weather was perfect. Four athletes from the team advance to the state meet in Pasco next weekend, two boys and two girls. The girls team came very close to moving on as a complete team. Maybe next year.