I went out in the slush today to deliver some items, shop a bit, and go visiting. I didn't make it very far. On my way back from the O.P. my little car decided it had had enough. Of course, it died in a section of the Peninsula with no cell coverage. Luckily I was in
clumsy girl's old neighborhood. It took my a while and my feet got pretty wet, but I found her childhood friend's parents' house. They were very kind, let me use the phone, stand by the fire, and pet their cat.
Now I don't know what to do. I love my little car, but I am getting tired of being rescued from various spots. I need reliable transport. While randomly browsing on Craig's list I found a pretty sweet
mustang, but that is not very realistic. I'd like something small with good gas mileage. Also, I have no money. So, if anyone knows of a reliable, environmentally friendly, low mileage, high fuel efficient, cute, fun, free car give me a call.