What a great snow day! I usually hate snow, but today it was fluffy and thick and bright. Getting an extra vacation day was nice too. Yes, I know we will be making it up in June. Adam and I tried to make a snowman this morning, but the snow was too powdery to stick. We threw some not well constructed snowballs at each other and called it good.
Yesterday Len went with me on a trip to the UW for my 6 month check-up. I don't know why I didn't reschedule. The drive up and appointment were fine. The drive home was another story. Cars could travel on the road just fine, but trucks and buses struggled. We spent 4 hours sitting on I-5 between Tacoma and Olympia very slowly moving around two jack-knifed trucks and two stuck city buses. Yikes.
I took a ton of snow pictures today. Adam measured the snow on the balcony rail and claimed it was 4 inches deep. As Moldpenny mentioned, it has been a very long time sense the last snow storm at the beach. I am curious as to what the rest of the week will bring.

squeak in the snow! The picture of your house is very pretty! It's snowing like mad up here, too. I wasn't able to get your xmas present to the post office!
My mom is wondering when on earth she'll be able to come up to ptown to see andrea. I'm wondering when andrea's flight will actually arrive...
so crazy.
Your house looks so pleasant all surrounded in white. I'm surprised that Squeak looks so comfy in the powdery stuff.
We just traveled to Chinook to get our hair done (why Rick called you from Simplicity), and the trip home was getting icky. Rick just had to pull two more neighbors up the driveway... nutty. Glad you made it home safe.
My word verification is "tackee". Am not.
Squeak only lasted about 30 seconds in the snow. His little paws got cold.
My gifts are going to be very late. The things I ordered aren't even here yet. The FedEx guy wouldn't come down my road today. I had to meet him on Sandridge. Then it wasn't even something I ordered. The package was for Adam, something for his girlfriend. Anyways, my gifts will be very late.
Mom and I went to Astoria today. The road between the tunnel and bridge was a little scary.
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