Thursday, July 2, 2009

Good-Bye to Wisdom

Adam was knocked out and lost four teeth today. Len and I paid to have this done. Doesn't seem right.
Why do people even get wisdom teeth if we are just going to have them removed? He isn't doing to badly. He is just hungry and swollen. My wisdom tooth experience was so non-traumatic. I was a junior at the UW. I took a bus to the dentist office. He yanked out my teeth and gave me a ride home (he didn't like the idea of me taking the bus). I laid on my couch for about an hour, took some Tylenol when the Novocaine wore off, and went to work that night. I don't think many people have that easy of an experience. I was very luck. Adam is not so lucky, but at least he hasn't gotten sick, like my sister did.


K Schimmy said...

Icky. No straws for Adam.

Is he swollen up like a chipmunk yet? Poor guy.

K Schimmy said...

Oh yeah, and my word verification was "spasicar". AWESOME.

clumsygirl said...

I'm still avoiding having my wisdom teeth out. Someday it'll happen...