I spent Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at Teenaway Creek Cross-Country Camp. This is a camp run by Ernie (IHS 93) and wife Tori, who are both head coaches at large schools. Only two Ilwaco kids participated, but it was fun. The camp is in Cle Elm, out by Ellensburg. As a nice surprise, Mike, my elusive brother, showed up. I hadn't seen him sense Christmas and it was nice to catch up. It was EXTREMELY warm and dusty in the middle of the sate. The flys were awful, but the sun was wonderful!

Yesterday, Mom, Heidi, Owen, and I went to the Clatsop County Fair! We had a great time. We saw horses, goats, sheep, cows, bunnies, chickens, llamas, ducks, arts and crafts, a fire truck, and tractors. It was all you could want in a fair. Owen loved the cows and we sat to watch the 4-H kids show their cows for a little while. The horse barns reminded me of my 4-H days. I have many good memories of the tiny little Pacific County Fair with Lucky Charm and Babe. It is funny how everything changes and nothing changes at the same time. The kids had cell phones, but the horse stalls and western outfits and decorations all looked just like the 80's ones I remember. Sigh, memory lane. Heidi and I had elephant ears, yum, and I took Owie down the big slide. There was a GIGANTIC mule (no shitting) in the parking lot with a officer on him directing traffic. A good time was had by all.
Update on the house: We are waiting for the tresses for the upper floor to be installed so we can frame the upstairs.
So I read this and had to describe to thepants the difference between your PC fair experience and mine. You, with your horses and staying up there... me with the 7 other kids, at least two cats and two guinea pigs in my mom's wallywagon going up for the day. So crazy.
Cute kid
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