We have rain gutters and a ditch. Woo hoo! The ditch has a big power line in it. Hopefully we will pass inspection and have juice soon. It would save a lot of money on the gas for the generator we have been using to run tools. The siding is nearly up. There is so much to do. It is a little overwhelming. I want to start inside work ASAP. We will be planning a big trip to IKEA for design help soon. One set back this weekend was that we ran out of phone cable. Hopefully Mr. ShinyBeerDragon will be able to rescue us soon. Stacey e Paco visited this weekend, but I forgot to get pictures. Paco finished his doctorate and Stacey is done with her Masters. I am very jelous. Six and a half more months for me. It feels like an eternity!
Wow! We finally had the big wind storm the news had been talking about. It blew like crazy on Sunday night or Monday morning. We lost power about 5 AM. Up here in the OP we didn't get it back until Tuesday about 10 in the morning. It wasn't too bad. Last year we were out for four days. The huge gusts were not good for our house. The bottom of our french doors blew in and broke the dead blot. The damage was a little crazy. The door is completely ruined.
My house is getting all warm and buttery. It was a beautiful day. I had to work at the camp in the morning, but was out at the house in the afternoon. Even though the sun was out it was freaken cold.
Today was a good day. After school I visited with my friend Kiko and her super adorable little pumpkin, Hailey. Then I went out to the property to watch Len paint. For my birthday, The Don got the first coat of paint on the south wall. It looks great. Then we went to Mom's house for home-made pizza, pumpkin cheesecake, and a wild potato show. The big "O" was in rare form. He was jumping and kicking and singing and squealing. Who needs TV when you have a two year old.
XC state went well. The kids and I had a good time in Pasco and the weather was surprisingly pleasant. Mike's boys' team go into the national race in Wisconsin. Very cool.